gINT Civil Tools Professional Plus Help





Attaches a raster reference to a DGN file.

Bring to Front

Brings a raster image forward in the display stack, in a view(s). Where raster images overlap each other, you can use this tool to rearrange the order in which they display.

Send to Back

Sends a raster image back in the display stack, in a view(s). Where raster images overlap each other, you can use this tool to rearrange the order in which they display.

Fit to View

Fits one or more raster images to a view(s).

Actual Resolution (1:1)

Fits a raster image in a view such that it displays at its Actual Resolution (1:1). Actual Resolution reflects the circumstance where one screen pixel is used to represent each image pixel.


Adjusts the contrast and brightness for the display of raster image files attached to the design file. No changes are made to the original raster file, the contrast and brightness settings are saved with the image file attachment. When you select an image to modify, the existing contrast and brightness settings are displayed in the tool settings.


Moves, scales, or rotates a raster.


Moves an image to a new location. Move adjusts the origin or placement of the image. The pixel size, dimensions, and number of pixels remain unchanged.


Changes the proportionate dimensions of an image. To scale an image, use an Active Scale or 3 Points Scale method. The Scale Raster tool adjusts the origin, pixel size, and dimensions of the image. The number of lines and pixels do not change.


Rotates an image.


Mirrors the selected raster image horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Additionally, you can specify the axis about which the image is mirrored. Only one image at a time may be mirrored


Crops a raster image (Clip Boundary), or to defines a masked area (Clip Mask).


Removes one or more clipping polygons from a raster image.

  • Warp
  • Raster Selection
  • Modify Clip

Warp - Adjusts the size and shape of a raster image with a combination of move, scale, rotate, and skew options.

Raster Selection - Selects, interactively, one or more raster references.

Modify Clip - Modifies the clipping polygon for a clipped raster image.